Belkin WeMo F7C027fcAPL REVIEW
Update: 8/26/13: Thanks for all the positive comments.
Mac Address (update): I did want to note I purchased a couple more of
these from Amazon, and they still have the wrong MAC address (see
below). I know for a while Belkin had a page up that showed some have
the right one and some have the wrong one, and how to tell which is
which. I can no longer find the page on their site, so I assumed it was
fixed. It's not.
... IFTT (update): You can now access more than one device from the website.
Extended WiFi network (update): If you extend your WiFi network by
using multiple WiFi devices setup with the same NetworkID and password
(if you do this, you'll know who you are). Belkin has fixed the problem
that you can't properly access your devices externally.
... Device
Firmware Update: Belkin has fixed alot of things with their most recent
firmware update. From easier updates, cleaner UI for setting up events,
properly saving WiFi information, and perhaps most importantly, the
devices are rarely hanging. That said, they still do hang and need to
be manually reset. It is nice to see Belkin continues to support the
product actively.
... to all who appreciated the review, thanks for the kind words. ;)
Belkin WeMo F7C027fcAPL REVIEW
12/16/12: There have been several firmware updates since the product
first came out. The device seems to hang less often now than when I
noted below... on the order of once every 2 to 3 weeks.
Belkin WeMo F7C027fcAPL REVIEW
Original review:
should note, I have several IP Power Switch boxes. I use them for
things like controlling my network, network devices and stereo devices.
These work off of wired ethernet, and have many plugs on the back that
are addressable.